1.   When triggered, the alarm seems to call in squads of immune cells that surround tuberculosis bacteria and keep them from spreading.

2.   But the tuberculosis bacterium can resist being devoured.

3.   Dr. Valway said she had found no reports of any other tuberculosis bacteria like it.

4.   Infection begins when a person inhales a living tuberculosis bacterium, Bates said.

5.   Scientists have broken the code of the tuberculosis bacterium, a germ that kills more people in the world than any other infectious agent.

6.   Scientists have found a body chemical that naturally fights the tuberculosis bacterium.

7.   TB cases have surged in recent years, some due to forms of the tuberculosis bacteria that developed resistance to standard antibiotics.

8.   The tuberculosis bacterium, which is spread on sputum and aerosolized particles produced by coughing, ordinarily requires prolonged or repeated contact to spread from person to person.

9.   These globs of tissue surrounding the tuberculosis bacterium, called granulomas, are about half an inch to an inch across, and are characteristic of tuberculosis.

10.   To avoid direct duplication, the two teams chose to study different strains of the tuberculosis bacterium.

n. + bacterium >>共 124
anthrax 28.69%
salmonella 8.57%
soil 4.58%
cholera 3.98%
methanogenic 2.79%
tuberculosis 2.79%
plague 2.59%
listeria 2.39%
pylorus 1.79%
sulphate 1.79%
tuberculosis + n. >>共 61
epidemic 8.77%
patient 8.77%
bacterium 8.19%
case 4.09%
hospital 3.51%
bacillus 3.51%
clinic 3.51%
drug 3.51%
program 3.51%
infection 2.92%
每页显示:    共 14