1.   Chopped celery leaves or parsley for garnish.

2.   Chop reserved celery leaves roughly and fold them in.

3.   Do you add chopped celery, celery leaves or celery salt?

4.   Garnish with celery leaves.

5.   In a small bowl, combine all remaining ingredients, except celery leaves, and beat together until well-blended.

6.   It is crowned with a fluff of celery leaves and Asian greens.

7.   It stayed firm and fresh-tasting, with its tangle of basil, tomatoes and celery leaf.

8.   Reheat, adjust seasoning if necessary and serve, garnished with celery leaves or parsley.

9.   Stir in the celery leaves and dill.

10.   Tie the parsley, thyme, celery leaves and cloves together in a piece of cheesecloth to make a bouquet garni.

n. + leaf >>共 345
lettuce 6.65%
tea 6.31%
basil 5.89%
coca 5.82%
mint 4.92%
banana 4.50%
tobacco 3.33%
lime 2.22%
palm 2.01%
cilantro 1.87%
celery 0.83%
celery + n. >>共 31
salt 17.07%
seed 17.07%
stick 13.01%
leaf 9.76%
stalk 8.13%
rib 4.07%
top 4.07%
flavor 3.25%
heart 1.63%
mixture 1.63%
每页显示:    共 12