1.   Add the brandy and simmer briefly, just to blend the flavors.

2.   Add dried leaves at the beginning of cooking for blended flavors or toward the end of cooking for more pronounced flavor.

3.   Bring to a simmer and cook, stirring occasionally, until flavors are blended and sauce has thickened, about five minutes.

4.   Chill several hours, stirring occasionally to blend flavors.

5.   Chill for several hours to blend flavors, then remove the garlic cloves.

6.   Let sit for a few minutes to blend the flavors, then serve.

7.   Sauce does not have to reach the boil, but heating blends the flavor.

8.   Serve immediately or refrigerate several hours to chill and blend flavors before serving.

9.   Stir thoroughly, cover, and refrigerate at least an hour to blend the flavors.

10.   Stir in the heavy cream and simmer a few minutes until the flavors are blended.

v. + flavor >>共 273
add 10.20%
have 7.85%
like 3.84%
enhance 3.75%
intensify 2.35%
describe 2.27%
lose 2.01%
absorb 1.83%
capture 1.83%
want 1.66%
blend 1.13%
blend + n. >>共 348
ingredient 6.02%
mixture 3.34%
element 2.51%
flavor 2.17%
two 1.51%
grape 1.34%
talent 1.34%
culture 1.17%
mix 1.00%
tradition 1.00%
每页显示:    共 13