blend ingredient 2.37   Blend all ingredients well.
  blend mixture 1.32   Puree until mixture is smoothly blended.
  blend element 0.99   The record blended elements like a hybrid flower.
  blend flavor 0.86   Toss over low heat for a minute to blend flavors.
  blend two 0.59   A new Web site blends the two.
  blend grape 0.53   Blending grapes is common practice all over the world, of course.
  blend talent 0.53   They have blended this talent into a cohesive unit.
  blend culture 0.46   --Blending the cultures is difficult.
  blend best 0.39   Defying categorization are films blending the best of both styles.
  blend mix 0.39   In a medium bowl, blend cake mix with pudding mix.
  blend tradition 0.39   Soon these traditions were blended and through the centuries have evolved.
  blend color 0.33   I offer this arcana only to point out how winemakers blend tastes the way painters blend colors.
  blend image 0.33   His music blended images of fantasy and clever word plays.
  blend player 0.33   Cox played down the idea that he had some special touch in blending new players into the team.
  blend skill 0.33   Working with diverse superstar personalities like Jordan, Rodman, and Scottie Pippen, Jackson managed to blend their skills.
  blend wine 0.33   The confusion derives from how the wines are blended.
  blend kind 0.26   She blends a kind of Celtic spirituality with sudden bursts of soulful grit.
  blend rhythm 0.26   His music also blended African rhythms with musical forms from around the world.
  blend theme 0.26   Welsh said the Boston lawsuit would attempt to blend both themes.
  blend uranium 0.26   The plants blend uranium into the concentrations needed by power plants.
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