1.   Blend all ingredients in a food processor fitted with a metal blade.

2.   Blend the ingredients until you have a smooth cream.

3.   Beat the mixture with a wooden spoon until the ingredients are well blended.

4.   Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth, then force through a fine sieve into a large glass measuring cup.

5.   Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth.

6.   Blend all ingredients well.

7.   Blend the ingredients into a creamy paste.

8.   Blend all ingredients in a small bowl, using an electric mixer.

9.   Blend all ingredients in blender until smooth and creamy.

10.   Blend all ingredients with mixer or whisk to get a smooth spread.

v. + ingredient >>共 285
combine 22.33%
add 9.26%
mix 6.98%
use 5.86%
contain 3.69%
place 3.52%
blend 2.11%
have 1.52%
moisten 1.41%
stir 1.35%
blend + n. >>共 348
ingredient 6.02%
mixture 3.34%
element 2.51%
flavor 2.17%
two 1.51%
grape 1.34%
talent 1.34%
culture 1.17%
mix 1.00%
tradition 1.00%
每页显示:    共 36