1.   Six gall bladder bile samples were obtained at cholecystectomy and one hepatic bile from a patient with an indwelling T tube.

2.   Gall bladder bile samples were collected after the ligation of the cystic duct by the complete sterile needle aspiration f the gall bladder to prevent the stratification f bile.

3.   The isotropic bile samples were subsequently used to measure the nucleation time and the relative distribution of vesicular cholesterol.

4.   For a non-perturbed separation, the correct intermicellar bile salt concentration and species should be determined in each bile sample.

5.   Such a significant correlation, however, was absent in each bile sample taken from the cholesterol gall stone patients or gall stone free patients.

6.   Whole bile samples were collected anaerobically and into sterile tubes.

7.   Bile samples were collected at diagnostic or therapeutic endoscopic or percutaneous biliary procedures or during both.

n. + sample >>共 321
blood 23.92%
urine 13.29%
tissue 5.92%
water 4.71%
soil 3.83%
hair 3.20%
air 2.67%
core 2.52%
anthrax 1.46%
test 1.46%
bile 0.63%
bile + n. >>共 32
flow 15.66%
sample 15.66%
leakage 7.23%
collection 6.02%
concentration 6.02%
inhibition 6.02%
secretion 6.02%
composition 2.41%
leak 2.41%
pigment 2.41%
每页显示:    共 13