1.   A membrane selectively permeable to gases separates the buffer from the blood sample.

2.   A second showed Fung carrying a garbage bag containing the blood sample to his van.

3.   He compared the samples with a blood sample from Mr Green.

4.   It does not even include the taking of a blood sample.

5.   The blood sample, if drawn outside Stanford, can be transported to the Palo Alto-based medical center by courier.

6.   The blood samples are being sent out for independent analysis.

n. + sample >>共 321
blood 23.92%
urine 13.29%
tissue 5.92%
water 4.71%
soil 3.83%
hair 3.20%
air 2.67%
core 2.52%
anthrax 1.46%
test 1.46%
blood + n. >>共 466
flow 13.98%
sample 11.94%
supply 7.05%
product 5.98%
level 3.42%
donation 3.08%
loss 2.52%
donor 2.52%
disorder 2.06%
stain 2.01%
每页显示:    共 490