1.   Arrange asparagus on a serving dish or individual plates.

2.   Arrange asparagus in a single layer on pan and spray again.

3.   Arrange asparagus on top.

4.   Arrange the asparagus in the center of each serving plate.

5.   Arrange reserved asparagus in spoke fashion on top of quiche.

6.   Arrange asparagus on platter.

7.   Arrange the asparagus around the budinos.

8.   Lay prosciutto on top and arrange grilled asparagus over it.

9.   Spoon the sauce around the perimeter of the skillet and arrange the asparagus around the perimeter on the sauce.

v. + asparagus >>共 60
add 6.72%
arrange 6.72%
place 5.22%
cook 5.22%
serve 4.48%
peel 4.48%
eat 4.48%
wash 3.73%
transfer 3.73%
have 2.99%
arrange + n. >>共 986
meeting 11.84%
talk 2.51%
visit 2.26%
trip 2.19%
loan 2.14%
cease-fire 2.04%
sale 1.95%
interview 1.83%
slice 1.53%
deal 1.22%
asparagus 0.21%
每页显示:    共 9