1.   A lease can often be obtained more easily than a loan can be arranged because the lessor retains title to the asset.

2.   Bit IFAs can also arrange mortgage loans through the high-street lenders.

3.   But they are usually tied to a particular building society or insurance company and so will only arrange loans with them.

4.   Her friend Abraham Goldsmid arranged a loan, but it did not last her long.

5.   If you need more money, we can arrange a loan.

6.   Some securities firms arrange bank loans for customers, earning fees for doing so.

7.   The loan was arranged with little formality.

8.   Then I could arrange a loan for what I owe him and slide on to the reclining dental chair.

9.   They are adept at arranging huge loans, underwriting stock offerings and putting together multinational mergers.

10.   Major construction companies are often prepared to invest their own funds in a project, or to arrange a loan on their own behalf in return for construction work.

v. + loan >>共 522
make 11.31%
repay 7.91%
provide 4.12%
get 3.70%
extend 3.46%
use 2.81%
obtain 2.57%
take 2.38%
approve 2.38%
offer 2.22%
arrange 1.68%
arrange + n. >>共 986
meeting 11.84%
talk 2.51%
visit 2.26%
trip 2.19%
loan 2.14%
cease-fire 2.04%
sale 1.95%
interview 1.83%
slice 1.53%
deal 1.22%
每页显示:    共 90