11.   Place steak on grid over medium ash-covered coals.

12.   Place steaks on grid over medium, ash-covered coals.

13.   Place the steaks on heated plates.

14.   Place the steaks on the grill over high heat.

15.   Place a steak on top of the potatoes.

16.   Place steak in skillet and brown on both sides.

17.   Place steak on grid over medium, ash-covered coals.

18.   Place steaks on grid over medium ash-covered coals.

19.   Place the steak in the middle of the pan.

20.   Place fish steak in foil and seal.

v. + steak >>共 139
cook 7.34%
eat 7.34%
place 6.42%
grill 5.96%
serve 4.13%
remove 3.90%
turn 3.44%
cut 2.52%
season 1.61%
order 1.61%
place + n. >>共 1240
order 3.61%
emphasis 3.23%
bet 2.07%
bomb 1.74%
call 1.63%
restriction 1.61%
child 1.50%
ad 1.45%
blame 1.39%
limit 1.29%
steak 0.20%
每页显示:    共 28