1.   Puree the pulp, in batches, in a blender.

2.   Puree pulp with butter, quatre-epices and hazelnut oil, preferably in a saucepan using a hand blender, or in food processor.

3.   Puree pulp in a food processor or a blender, or pass through a food mill.

4.   Puree the pulp in a food processor fitted with a stainless steel blade.

5.   You can freeze mangoes by pureeing the pulp and then pressing it through a sieve.

v. + pulp >>共 55
scrape 8.13%
use 7.32%
remove 6.50%
discard 4.88%
mash 4.88%
say 4.07%
squeeze 4.07%
puree 4.07%
add 3.25%
sell 3.25%
puree + n. >>共 66
soup 17.07%
mixture 15.85%
ingredient 4.88%
bean 3.66%
sauce 3.66%
pulp 3.05%
vegetable 3.05%
tomato 2.44%
content 1.83%
watermelon 1.83%
每页显示:    共 5