1.   In a medium bowl, mash zucchini pulp.

2.   In large bowl, mash potatoe pulp with eggs, cheese, milk, mustard and half of the parsley.

3.   Mash potato pulp and stir in chopped olives, diced chilies and enough cream to give mixture the desired consistency.

4.   Mash pulp with back of a spoon.

5.   Peel the squash and mash the pulp in a bowl with a potato masher or fork, or pass it through a ricer into a bowl.

6.   Strain, mashing the pulp to make sure you get all the juice.

v. + pulp >>共 55
scrape 8.13%
use 7.32%
remove 6.50%
discard 4.88%
mash 4.88%
say 4.07%
squeeze 4.07%
puree 4.07%
add 3.25%
sell 3.25%
mash + n. >>共 77
potato 37.67%
avocado 6.73%
banana 3.59%
mixture 2.69%
pulp 2.69%
anchovy 2.24%
garlic 2.24%
vegetable 2.24%
face 1.35%
ingredient 1.35%
每页显示:    共 6