1.   Remove pits from persimmons, then scrape pulp free from skins with teaspoon.

2.   Cut the shell tip from each passion fruit and scrape the pulp into a sieve placed over a bowl.

3.   Let potatoes cool slightly, cut off tops and scrape pulp into a bowl.

4.   Remove vanilla bean, and scrape pulp back into the milk.

5.   Scrape the pulp from the vanilla bean into the mixture, and add the bean as well.

6.   Scrape the pulp out of the middle of the zucchini halves, chop coarsely and set aside.

7.   Scrape the pulp into a bowl and add the yogurt, lemon juice, coriander, cumin, paprika, salt and cayenne.

8.   Scrape pulp from vanilla bean into mixture, and stir to blend.

9.   Split vanilla bean lengthwise, scrape pulp into pan and add split pod.

10.   Split vanilla bean lengthwise, scrape pulp into pan, then add the bean.

v. + pulp >>共 55
scrape 8.13%
use 7.32%
remove 6.50%
discard 4.88%
mash 4.88%
say 4.07%
squeeze 4.07%
puree 4.07%
add 3.25%
sell 3.25%
scrape + n. >>共 258
bottom 9.04%
side 5.12%
mixture 3.16%
paint 3.01%
bowl 3.01%
knee 2.71%
batter 2.56%
money 1.96%
mud 1.66%
pan 1.51%
pulp 1.51%
每页显示:    共 10