scrape pulp 0.66   Remove vanilla bean, and scrape pulp back into the milk.
  use pulp 0.59   It uses mechanical pulp which has a high yield.
  remove pulp 0.53   Remove pulp from passion fruit.
  discard pulp 0.39   Discard pulp.
  mash pulp 0.39   Mash pulp with back of a spoon.
  puree pulp 0.33   Puree the pulp, in batches, in a blender.
  say pulp 0.33   Kvaerner said its pulp and paper business, and its mechanical engineering unit, were weak.
  squeeze pulp 0.33   Squeeze pulp from skins.
  add pulp 0.26   Add pulp to saucepan and bring to rapid boil.
  make pulp 0.26   They were ground up to make pulp, he said.
  sell pulp 0.26   Most hardwood pulp is sold overseas.
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