1.   Chey et al found hyposecretion of gastric acid or achlorhydria in chronic alcoholic patients without clinical or laboratory evidence of pancreatic disease.

2.   A control group included five patients with no evidence of pancreatic disease.

3.   Negative feedback inhibition would therefore explain the greater sensitivity of amylase secretion for the detection of pancreatic disease.

4.   Diagnosis of pancreatic disease was made by both computed tomography and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in all patients and documented at laparotomy in those with pancreatic cancer.

5.   The Ranson Criteria also helped researchers test new ways to treat pancreatic disease, Reber said.

a. + disease >>共 848
infectious 9.66%
liver 4.06%
chronic 3.57%
deadly 2.73%
cardiovascular 2.53%
rare 2.47%
contagious 2.23%
fatal 2.10%
human 1.76%
serious 1.72%
pancreatic 0.08%
pancreatic + n. >>共 58
cancer 51.53%
enzyme 4.24%
secretion 4.00%
cell 3.53%
lysosome 3.29%
tissue 2.35%
duct 2.12%
tumor 1.88%
function 1.88%
pseudocyst 1.88%
disease 1.41%
每页显示:    共 6