pancreatic cancer 14.42   And he had pancreatic cancer.
  pancreatic enzyme 1.18   Pancreatic enzymes were of normal values.
  pancreatic secretion 1.12   Both are potent known inhibitors of pancreatic secretion.
  pancreatic cell 0.99   The duct cells are precursors that give rise to other pancreatic cells.
  pancreatic lysosome 0.92   The mechanism whereby cholesteryl esters decrease the stability of pancreatic lysosomes is not known.
  pancreatic tissue 0.66   Previously, human diabetics had to inject themselves with insulin derived from the pancreatic tissue of pigs.
  pancreatic duct 0.59   Injections should be placed into the apex of the sphincterotomy, avoiding the area around the pancreatic duct.
  pancreatic function 0.53   It is controversial whether acute pancreatitis has longterm effects on pancreatic function.
  pancreatic islet 0.53   Research continues on transplanting pancreatic islet cells for the same purpose.
  pancreatic pseudocyst 0.53   There is controversy about the management of pancreatic pseudocysts.
  pancreatic tumor 0.53   Pancreatic tumors are among the grimmest of all cancers, killing many victims within a year of diagnosis.
  pancreatic disease 0.39   A control group included five patients with no evidence of pancreatic disease.
  pancreatic insufficiency 0.39   The magnitude of complex carbohydrate malabsorption in exocrine pancreatic insufficiency has not been well quantified in the past.
  pancreatic inflammation 0.33   In hospital, Masle was treated in the emergency room, and was diagnosed with pancreatic inflammation.
  pancreatic polypeptide 0.33   Pancreatic polypeptide secretion was determined as an indirect measure of cholinergic tone.
  pancreatic fragility 0.26   Chronic consumption of ethanol increases rat pancreatic lysosomal fragility.
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