1.   Accurate, efficient data transfer with rapid notification of key partners and constituents is critical to effectively addressing emerging infectious disease threats.

2.   Activities i. Develop, evaluate, and assist in the implementation of guidelines for preventing emerging infectious diseases.

3.   Activities i. Establish mechanisms for timely and systematic information exchange between public health agencies of different countries about emerging infectious diseases.

4.   Apart from smallpox it was the first major infectious disease to Decline.

5.   At the same time, our ability to detect, contain, and prevent emerging infectious diseases is in jeopardy.

6.   Clearly, infectious diseases contribute significantly to economic losses and days of disability in the United States.

7.   Current systems that monitor infectious diseases domestically and internationally are inadequate to confront the present and future challenges of emerging infections.

8.   Despite historical predictions to the contrary, we remain vulnerable to a wide array of new and resurgent infectious diseases.

9.   Elsewhere in the world, according to World Health Organization statistics, both new and re-emerging infectious diseases are raging.

10.   Ensure that the laboratory space, equipment, and supplies needed to address emerging infectious diseases are available.

a. + disease >>共 848
infectious 9.66%
liver 4.06%
chronic 3.57%
deadly 2.73%
cardiovascular 2.53%
rare 2.47%
contagious 2.23%
fatal 2.10%
human 1.76%
serious 1.72%
infectious + n. >>共 156
disease 60.61%
agent 9.08%
smile 1.78%
organism 1.70%
prion 1.53%
enthusiasm 1.44%
virus 1.36%
laugh 1.19%
bacterium 0.85%
illness 0.59%
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