1.   As controls, cryptogenic cases of chronic liver disease - that is without ANA-H or SMA-AA, were similarly studied.

2.   Discussion Portal hypertension usually complicates the evolution of chronic liver diseases.

3.   Elevated alkaline phosphatase is associated with liver disease and with both obstructive jaundice and intrahepatic jaundice.

4.   Examples include patients with chronic infections, inflammation, malignancies, and liver disease.

5.   High alcohol consumption increases the risk of liver disease.

a. + disease >>共 848
infectious 9.66%
liver 4.06%
chronic 3.57%
deadly 2.73%
cardiovascular 2.53%
rare 2.47%
contagious 2.23%
fatal 2.10%
human 1.76%
serious 1.72%
liver + n. >>共 148
transplant 15.89%
disease 15.38%
cancer 11.89%
failure 11.02%
damage 7.53%
problem 3.74%
function 3.02%
cell 2.61%
enzyme 2.51%
ailment 2.41%
每页显示:    共 298