1.   For a time the results were communicated to field staff at their regular monthly meetings.

2.   Indices of success in compliance systems are more elusive for field staff to attain than in sanctioning systems.

3.   Relative invisibility and freedom from direct supervision liberate field staff from some of the constraints found in other occupations.

4.   The trout stream, in particular, has a special significance for field staff and is a source of professional pride.

5.   Our surveyors, geophysicists and engineers provided excellent support on contracts and satisfactory utilisation of field staff was achieved.

6.   And field staff could improve communications with the home office by sending and receiving documents from their laptops using special wireless modem cards.

7.   Apache recently included a warning in one of its periodic safety bulletins to its field staff about studies linking the increase in accidents with cellular phone use.

8.   But that seems exceedingly unlikely, given that Daewoo has yet to secure an American top executive and has not even established a field staff.

9.   Cisco Systems uses BackWeb to deliver video alerts to thousands of salespeople, and Hewlett-Packard uses it to update manuals of its field service staff.

10.   Drawing on an annual government survey of what people are buying, and at what kinds of outlets, headquarters tells the field staff what items to price.

n. + staff >>共 570
hospital 7.96%
embassy 6.34%
support 5.05%
security 4.86%
campaign 3.67%
hotel 3.02%
office 2.54%
prison 2.00%
committee 1.43%
airport 1.38%
field 0.67%
field + n. >>共 531
commander 13.27%
office 6.53%
position 5.78%
test 4.68%
work 3.48%
worker 2.59%
operation 1.95%
advantage 1.70%
guide 1.67%
study 1.42%
staff 0.89%
每页显示:    共 25