1.   Back at field headquarters, Hartzog said, field commanders will view symbols that identify different forces on computer screens.

2.   Eventually, the field force commander joined in, all of them offering encouragement.

3.   Morvael, having learned some lessons from earlier defeats, appointed Mentheus of Caledor as field commander.

4.   Recognising his own inadequacy as a general, he appointed a succession of brilliant field commanders to lead the High Elf armies.

5.   Reno, though, remained the field commander.

6.   Schwarzkopf strongly defended his field commanders from allegations that they were careless about chemical and biological weapons.

7.   Ishaya Bakut, field commander of ECOMOG, who was said to have complained that NPFL fighters were continuing to harass the ECOMOG troops.

8.   Next day the ECOMOG field commander, Maj.-Gen.

9.   Bakut had been replaced as ECOMOG field commander by Maj.-Gen.

10.   An army field commander, however, contradicted the official position by stating on Israeli radio that he knew very well whose house it was.

n. + commander >>共 236
army 16.61%
rebel 13.40%
police 11.86%
field 8.07%
deputy 5.89%
guerrilla 3.90%
alliance 3.02%
security 2.48%
force 2.18%
government 1.77%
field + n. >>共 531
commander 13.27%
office 6.53%
position 5.78%
test 4.68%
work 3.48%
worker 2.59%
operation 1.95%
advantage 1.70%
guide 1.67%
study 1.42%
每页显示:    共 372