1.   A school needs good support staff.

2.   Among other services to members is a helpline, professional support staff and information and education resources.

3.   It has skilled trial lawyers and huge support staffs.

4.   Training regular training sessions and monitoring of all teaching and support staff.

5.   TSMDesk is a Helpdesk management system, linking users and information support staff, and third party support agencies if required.

6.   No support staff were required because the computer generates its own report, and since most reports were sent by internal mail, administrative costs were minimal.

7.   The use of legal executives, paralegals and litigation support staff, as well as other partners or assistant solicitors, should be part of your staffing decision.

8.   When organising training do not forget your support staff.

9.   A member of your support staff can then go through the newspapers extracting cuttings on a daily basis.

10.   If there are more than a handful of lawyers doing personal injury work get a member of the support staff to compile and distribute a monthly newsletter.

n. + staff >>共 570
hospital 7.96%
embassy 6.34%
support 5.05%
security 4.86%
campaign 3.67%
hotel 3.02%
office 2.54%
prison 2.00%
committee 1.43%
airport 1.38%
support + n. >>共 522
group 21.06%
service 7.02%
staff 5.13%
payment 3.13%
base 2.99%
network 2.60%
program 1.89%
role 1.67%
team 1.48%
personnel 1.37%
每页显示:    共 186