1.   Again highlighting drawings, as in the Petersen field guides draws attention to particular features which should be present.

2.   An outline of the geology has been given in the field guide.

3.   I flipped through the pages of my field guide.

4.   It is clearly Marked on the map recommended for use with this, and the field guide.

5.   It is not a comprehensive field guide.

6.   There was no need for anyone to consult his pocket field guide.

7.   Using field guides, their notes, and samples, they work on producing a catalog of the plot.

8.   Birds are categorized by type in this field guide.

9.   Along the way, they observe and report on scenes of animals and plants, writing scripts for animated stories with the help of field guides.

10.   An excellent field guide, chock-full of maps and charts.

n. + guide >>共 320
tour 30.77%
medium 5.34%
travel 4.16%
field 3.06%
tourist 2.93%
voter 2.60%
mountain 2.54%
city 2.21%
program 1.82%
study 1.76%
field + n. >>共 531
commander 13.27%
office 6.53%
position 5.78%
test 4.68%
work 3.48%
worker 2.59%
operation 1.95%
advantage 1.70%
guide 1.67%
study 1.42%
每页显示:    共 47