1.   A guide for hospital staff will be published shortly, covering everything from simple hygiene to security regulations.

2.   Hospital staff can provide additional home support for carers.

3.   Hospital staff sent him home to try to patch things up with his hot-tempered wife.

4.   Hospital staff struggled to cope with the numbers of casualties.

5.   I always suspect that the proverbial gratitude which patients express to hospital staff is really gratitude for having got out alive!

6.   Instead these injuries resulted from complications that occurred even though doctors and hospital staff had provided quality care.

7.   It was his mental state which put the wind up the hospital staff.

8.   Many hospital staff have to work unsocial hours.

9.   Most people consider elimination to be a very private bodily function and therefore find it an embarrassing subject to discuss with hospital staff.

n. + staff >>共 570
hospital 7.96%
embassy 6.34%
support 5.05%
security 4.86%
campaign 3.67%
hotel 3.02%
office 2.54%
prison 2.00%
committee 1.43%
airport 1.38%
hospital + n. >>共 779
official 15.95%
bed 7.34%
spokeswoman 5.34%
source 3.65%
spokesman 3.44%
stay 3.27%
staff 3.25%
worker 3.12%
room 2.87%
treatment 2.81%
每页显示:    共 293