1.   But at the level of field studies there was a much less rigid distinction between professional and amateur.

2.   More field work studies of systems analysts and how they relate to managers should illuminate this little known area of managerial work.

3.   This led to a field study which at least seemed to locate not only the site but the probable outlines of the building.

4.   Under the conditions that usually obtain in receptive field plotting studies one further distinction has been reported.

5.   I also conducted a field study among the boys about their attitude to relationships.

6.   A variety of investigation techniques may be used eg field studies, interviews, questionnaires, audio and video recording, etc.

7.   The results also cover much longer periods than are possible with modern experimental field studies and they are based on direct evidence of intercomparable past conditions.

8.   This superbly appointed centre provides a residential base for outdoor activities and field studies and is used throughout the year.

9.   The Centre also caters for reading parties, small conferences and field studies.

n. + study >>共 884
feasibility 13.28%
government 3.82%
impact 3.10%
laboratory 2.69%
research 2.26%
character 1.79%
health 1.66%
two-year 1.32%
field 1.25%
market 1.25%
field + n. >>共 531
commander 13.27%
office 6.53%
position 5.78%
test 4.68%
work 3.48%
worker 2.59%
operation 1.95%
advantage 1.70%
guide 1.67%
study 1.42%
每页显示:    共 40