1.   Add the rehydrated zucchini mixture with the cinnamon, ginger and cloves.

2.   Fill dish with zucchini mixture, then grind pepper over top.

3.   Heap them on a large platter and arrange the potatoes and the zucchini mixture around the meat.

4.   Top with the remaining zucchini mixture, bechamel, and cheese.

n. + mixture >>共 540
flour 10.57%
egg 8.28%
milk 2.81%
sugar 2.67%
cheese 2.46%
yolk 2.25%
spoon 2.05%
onion 1.94%
tomato 1.91%
potato 1.80%
zucchini 0.14%
zucchini + n. >>共 39
slice 11.84%
flower 9.21%
plant 7.89%
blossom 6.58%
mixture 5.26%
half 5.26%
piece 3.95%
puree 3.95%
fritter 2.63%
juice 2.63%
每页显示:    共 4