1.   Take pot off heat and shake vigorously to toss the mussels with the buttery shallots and garlic.

2.   Top with the curry sauce, toss the mussels to coat and then let your guests help themselves, along with salad and French bread.

3.   Toss the mussels into a large pot.

4.   When ready to eat, toss the mussels into the pot, cover and turn up the heat.

v. + mussel >>共 70
add 7.91%
remove 6.47%
steam 4.32%
discard 4.32%
serve 3.60%
clean 3.60%
place 2.88%
find 2.88%
toss 2.88%
eat 2.88%
toss + n. >>共 770
ball 6.30%
grenade 3.70%
head 1.96%
bomb 1.78%
coin 1.60%
racket 1.51%
football 1.46%
flower 1.37%
salad 1.14%
bottle 1.10%
mussel 0.18%
每页显示:    共 4