1.   Which two of the following foods are high in polyunsaturated fat?

2.   Beat in soft margarine or butter until blended.

3.   Benecol tastes like any soft margarine.

4.   In another bowl moosh together the soft margarine, Parmesan cheese, the eggs and buttermilk.

a. + margarine >>共 48
cream 14.61%
melted 12.36%
together 6.74%
remaining 5.62%
soft 4.49%
ordinary 3.37%
cholesterol-lowering 2.25%
beat 2.25%
cholesterol-blocking 2.25%
hard 2.25%
soft + n. >>共 1099
money 22.78%
tissue 2.10%
peak 2.08%
voice 1.89%
loan 1.39%
liner 1.13%
music 1.10%
cast 1.04%
light 0.98%
cheese 0.91%
margarine 0.07%
每页显示:    共 4