1.   Add eggs, milk and melted margarine.

2.   Dip each ball into melted margarine, then roll in cheese mixture to coat.

3.   In a bowl, combine melted margarine, soy sauce, five-spice powder, garlic powder, ginger and red pepper.

4.   Pat outside of turkey, under wings, on legs, underside of bird and breast with melted margarine.

5.   Pour into greased loaf pan and cover with melted margarine.

6.   Process the Samoas cookies and the graham cracker crumbs in a food processor, then add the melted margarine.

7.   Put stuffing in a large bowl and stir in melted margarine.

8.   Put peeled pieces in a shallow baking dish, and brush with melted margarine.

9.   Stir in eggs, milk and melted margarine until well-blended.

10.   Stir in melted margarine, flour, vanilla, tea and water.

a. + margarine >>共 48
cream 14.61%
melted 12.36%
together 6.74%
remaining 5.62%
soft 4.49%
ordinary 3.37%
cholesterol-lowering 2.25%
beat 2.25%
cholesterol-blocking 2.25%
hard 2.25%
melted + n. >>共 92
butter 47.70%
chocolate 14.82%
cheese 4.77%
snow 3.41%
margarine 1.87%
mixture 1.87%
wax 1.53%
ice 1.19%
rock 1.19%
water 1.19%
每页显示:    共 11