1.   Just before you toast the bread, halve, core and thinly slice the pear.

2.   A pear is sliced and spread with smooth mascarpone and sprinkled with sugar and cocoa.

3.   Once the pears are sliced and the filling mixed together, the tart is assembled without much fuss.

4.   Peel, core and slice the pears into six pieces each.

5.   Peel and slice some pears, wash and dry some mesclun, crumble some Gorgonzola.

6.   Slice pears in half and remove seeded middle.

v. + pear >>共 68
peel 11.97%
slice 5.13%
add 4.27%
eat 4.27%
place 4.27%
arrange 3.42%
drain 2.56%
hold 2.56%
poach 2.56%
remove 2.56%
slice + n. >>共 330
meat 4.02%
onion 3.21%
potato 2.07%
bread 1.95%
air 1.84%
tomato 1.84%
apple 1.61%
ball 1.61%
cheese 1.38%
cake 1.26%
pear 0.69%
每页显示:    共 6