1.   Season the meat before grilling.

2.   Season the meat with salt and pepper.

3.   In an effort to reproduce a home kitchen experience, they sprayed every skillet with cooking spray and seasoned the meat with salt and pepper.

4.   Season the meat on both sides with salt and pepper to taste.

5.   Sage with leg of lamb or pork roast or in a marinade will season the meat with a heartiness that goes well with brooding red wines and cold weather.

6.   Season the meat with salt and pepper, then sprinkle with a bit of the rosemary.

7.   The lemon juice trickles through the crust and seasons the meat.

8.   The meat is seasoned, steamed, or sliced, and simmered with sesame leaves and carrots or dipped in peppers and garlic.

9.   This quality lets the brining solution work its way into the meat, seasoning the meat throughout and enhancing its flavor.

v. + meat >>共 431
eat 11.79%
sell 4.49%
remove 3.89%
cook 2.95%
cut 2.22%
buy 2.05%
add 1.92%
place 1.88%
serve 1.88%
have 1.84%
season 0.56%
season + n. >>共 168
chicken 5.14%
meat 3.71%
side 3.43%
vegetable 3.43%
sauce 3.14%
mix 2.86%
fish 2.86%
mixture 2.57%
soup 2.29%
lamb 2.00%
每页显示:    共 13