1.   As with getting a tattoo, the major risk associated with body piercing is one of infection.

2.   The public are unwilling to accept the risks associated with nuclear energy.

3.   We must increase public awareness of the health risks associated with sunbathing.

4.   However, the unit price at any time is a function of the prevailing interest rates and the risk associated with the corporation or government which issued the security.

5.   SCP does not have a guarantee and, traditionally, name recognition has been the principal way of ascertaining the credit risk associated with SCP.

6.   But cremation quickly caught on, promoted by Protestant clergymen who wanted to reform burial practices and doctors concerned about the health risks associated with cemeteries.

7.   For many, lighting up a cigar is a matter of satisfying a pleasure without taking the health risks associated with inhaling smoke from cigarettes.

8.   If nothing else, obesity specialists want the public to snap out of it and wake up to the serious health risks associated with being overweight.

9.   In the past there had been some concern about possible health risks associated with copper and aluminum pots and pans.

10.   Instead, it calls for more sophisticated tests at a national level to evaluate health risks associated with using reclaimed water.

n. + associate >>共 372
people 7.52%
cost 5.84%
problem 4.41%
risk 4.15%
most 2.59%
current 2.20%
business 1.43%
issue 1.30%
consumer 0.91%
hazard 0.91%
risk + v. >>共 311
be 64.98%
remain 2.01%
come 1.66%
involve 1.59%
increase 1.42%
associate 1.11%
include 0.94%
lose 0.87%
have 0.80%
seem 0.76%
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