1.   But in the land of the trench coat and the foghorn, a growth is occurring in a sport most often associated with swim suits and sun tans.

2.   Cape Cod, particularly at this time of year, is a place most of us associate with the pursuit of leisure, not ghosts.

3.   Collecting beer cans is something most would associate with determined recyclers or serious suds swillers.

4.   If there is one word most often associated with Evander Holyfield, it is heart.

5.   Most often associated with the whirring and spinning elements on a favorite Web page, Java has uses far beyond that.

6.   Most associated the Georgia accent with lower intelligence and less education, Napoli says.

7.   One condition most often associated with a positive ANA is Systemic Lupus Erythematosus or Lupus.

8.   Previous DSS studies found that alcohol and cocaine were the two substances most commonly associated with troubled families.

9.   She said Gingrich preferred to engage in the same type of physical intimacy most recently associated with Clinton and the intern.

10.   The disease most often associated with the oldest also strikes the youngest.

n. + associate >>共 372
people 7.52%
cost 5.84%
problem 4.41%
risk 4.15%
most 2.59%
current 2.20%
business 1.43%
issue 1.30%
consumer 0.91%
hazard 0.91%
most + v. >>共 700
be 30.12%
have 4.91%
say 2.87%
come 1.90%
go 1.50%
agree 1.48%
live 1.34%
do 1.26%
use 1.16%
seem 1.01%
associate 0.15%
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