1.   Check for little mud tunnels on the foundation, mainly outside.

2.   --Check pipes in the crawl space for signs of mud tunnels.

3.   Check the foundation for telltale mud tunnels on poured concrete, block, or stone foundations.

4.   I found no bugs or termite mud tunnels.

5.   If you discover damaged wood or the mud tunnels, call the exterminator.

6.   --If you have a wooden porch built directly over soil, check for mud tunnels running up to the flooring and sound out the wood under the porch.

7.   --Inspect for mud tunnels on the exterior of the home leading from the ground up to cracks in the foundation or brickwork.

8.   Mud tunnels are obvious on a poured concrete foundation, but they may be invisible on a fieldstone or concrete block foundation because the tunnels are inside these foundations.

9.   One control for termites is a regular inspection of the house and foundation, inside and out, looking for mud tunnels.

10.   These mud tunnels are the roads the termites make to get in and out of the house.

n. + tunnel >>共 154
subway 10.52%
rail 4.78%
railway 4.59%
road 4.02%
service 3.82%
channel 3.44%
highway 3.25%
escape 3.25%
traffic 3.06%
train 3.06%
mud 2.10%
mud + n. >>共 161
hut 14.19%
slide 10.08%
house 8.22%
wall 7.69%
brick 5.44%
home 4.38%
puddle 3.98%
flow 2.39%
hole 1.72%
tunnel 1.46%
每页显示:    共 11