1.   As she talked, Lincoln knocked down an electric fence and flopped into a big mud puddle.

2.   Before the renovation, a heavy rain like that on Monday night would have left the lawn a mud puddle for days.

3.   After the rally, people poured into the streets of Atmakur, where pigs root in mud puddles and young men sell salty snacks from pushcarts.

4.   Comparatively speaking, many others have pockets as deep as a mud puddle.

5.   Discarded in a mud puddle near a pile of scrap metal at the Lexington dump.

6.   Driven by the music, grubby upstarts plot, and the masses brawl and scream and roll around in mud puddles.

7.   Federal officials have said the flashes were probably reflections of mud puddles or pieces of metal.

8.   Every time they fall in a mud puddle they come up with a fish in their pocket.

9.   He grabbed two hot dogs from a package lying in a mud puddle and shoved them into his mouth.

10.   Obviously, mud puddles were, for this day at least, his destiny.

n. + puddle >>共 11
mud 60.00%
rain 12.00%
water 12.00%
curb 2.00%
driveway 2.00%
eye 2.00%
footwear 2.00%
gene 2.00%
kitchen-floor 2.00%
oil 2.00%
mud + n. >>共 161
hut 14.19%
slide 10.08%
house 8.22%
wall 7.69%
brick 5.44%
home 4.38%
puddle 3.98%
flow 2.39%
hole 1.72%
tunnel 1.46%
每页显示:    共 30