1.   They had strengthened structurally weak areas around doors and windows with layers of fired bricks set into the mud walls.

2.   This study should generate precise data about the thermal characteristics of mud walls.

3.   It was cold, too, an icy wind sneaking in through the thatch and through gaps in the mud wall.

4.   There was a mud brick wall round the roof of the house, over which looked two agitated faces, those of a man and a woman.

5.   And sometimes the mud brick walls and ceiling and floors close in on a woman who wants to be free in a place where she cannot.

6.   A nondescript mud brick wall hides it from view on the ground.

7.   Down went concrete walls in Ahmedabad, stone walls in Bhuj, mud walls of the surrounding villages.

8.   Emergency exits are hidden behind rocks and mud walls.

9.   Even more ostentatious are those with double-hung windows cut into the mud walls.

n. + wall >>共 656
brick 10.85%
left-field 3.14%
office 2.90%
prison 2.84%
right-field 2.68%
bedroom 2.02%
center-field 1.89%
canyon 1.73%
plaster 1.73%
city 1.65%
mud 1.54%
mud + n. >>共 161
hut 14.19%
slide 10.08%
house 8.22%
wall 7.69%
brick 5.44%
home 4.38%
puddle 3.98%
flow 2.39%
hole 1.72%
tunnel 1.46%
每页显示:    共 58