1.   The negligent driving of the defendant caused an accident and blocked a road tunnel.

2.   Violent clashes have broken out in the French Pyrenees between protestors opposed to a new road tunnel and some local people in the Aspe Valley.

3.   Overseas, it is involved in work on the Bosphorus bridges and road tunnels at Sydney harbour.

4.   Overcoming blistering temperatures, rescuers managed Thursday to control a fierce blaze caused by a truck collision in the longest road tunnel in the Alps.

5.   An emergency foot tunnel with its own lighting, air supply and exits runs alongside the road tunnel.

6.   It was the second major fire in three months to roar through a road tunnel in the Alps.

7.   Rescuers started recovering bodies Thursday from a long Alpine road tunnel transformed into a blistering inferno by a truck collision and fire.

8.   Rescuers reported progress Thursday in tackling a fierce blaze caused by a truck collision in the longest road tunnel in the Alps.

9.   Rescuers started recovering bodies Thursday from an Alpine road tunnel transformed into a blistering inferno by a truck collision and fire.

10.   Swiss authorities said Saturday they have closed a mountain road tunnel for safety reasons.

n. + tunnel >>共 154
subway 10.52%
rail 4.78%
railway 4.59%
road 4.02%
service 3.82%
channel 3.44%
highway 3.25%
escape 3.25%
traffic 3.06%
train 3.06%
road + n. >>共 698
trip 18.65%
game 8.73%
accident 5.20%
block 3.47%
race 1.91%
course 1.83%
rage 1.76%
sign 1.72%
condition 1.68%
link 1.62%
tunnel 0.29%
每页显示:    共 21