1.   The module owner is generally the person or organisation who pays for the module to be developed, although this user has no specific LIFESPAN privileges.

2.   This defaults to the current module owner.

3.   If being changed, the new name must be an existing LIFESPAN user, and the new module owner must be related to you.

4.   An invalid module owner has been supplied to PI.

5.   The module owner specified when trying to update the module details is not known to LIFESPAN.

6.   Please retry and specify a valid LIFESPAN user who is related to the current module owner.

7.   The module owner specified when trying to update the module details is not related to the current module owner.

8.   In this case, the new name must be that of an existing user, and the new module owner must be related to you.

n. + owner >>共 445
business 8.19%
team 7.19%
property 6.38%
store 4.10%
shop 3.99%
car 3.61%
restaurant 3.52%
club 3.11%
gun 2.98%
baseball 2.84%
module 0.18%
module + n. >>共 76
name 35.68%
header 13.68%
manager 6.84%
owner 4.06%
version 3.63%
type 2.78%
issue 2.35%
descriptor 2.14%
detail 1.92%
phase 1.50%
每页显示:    共 19