1.   Not surprisingly, the new rules have provoked protests from gun owners.

2.   The everyday availability is changing the way legitimate gun owners handle their own firearms.

3.   The gun industry suggests a different model for gun owners to emulate.

4.   They have this preconception of a gun store owner.

5.   An attorney for the NRA said the law is confusing, and that gun owners should have another year to register.

6.   And gun shop owners said some police officers demand bribes to process applications.

7.   And he says he opposes federal laws restricting the rights of gun owners, and says gun control should be left to the states.

8.   And no wonder so many gun owners have abandoned newspapers as their chief source of information.

9.   And the shooting market is awash with trigger locks and lockable gun cases that the gun owner chose not to use.

10.   And were the rights of gun owners, to the detriment of public safety, overshadowed by the power of local governments to influence daily life?

n. + owner >>共 445
business 8.19%
team 7.19%
property 6.38%
store 4.10%
shop 3.99%
car 3.61%
restaurant 3.52%
club 3.11%
gun 2.98%
baseball 2.84%
gun + n. >>共 443
battle 17.15%
show 6.80%
owner 5.15%
law 4.70%
violence 3.74%
ownership 2.91%
lobby 2.85%
maker 2.57%
manufacturer 2.56%
dealer 2.38%
每页显示:    共 316