module name 10.99   Please supply a valid module name.
  module header 4.21   The module header cannot be found.
  module manager 2.11   This defaults to the current module manager.
  module owner 1.25   This defaults to the current module owner.
  module version 1.12   FOREIGN type not permitted for this module header version.
  module type 0.86   The user should ensure that the module types are the same.
  module issue 0.72   You should enter a known module issue.
  module descriptor 0.66   This ensures that the correct module descriptor is being used.
  module detail 0.59   It then requests the module details for the given module.
  module phase 0.46   This will allow the user to regress should the program terminate unexpectedly during the module entry phase.
  module information 0.33   The module information supplied is incorrect.
  module instance 0.33   This option enables you to view the substate of an existing module instance.
  module number 0.33   A letter added to a module issue number, to indicate development versions of a module.
  module transfer 0.33   You should inspect your mail to determine the outcome of the module transfer.
  module datum 0.26   No module data has been transferred because a fatal error has occurred in a previous area of LIFESPAN RDBI.
  module definition 0.26   This denotes the end of the module definition.
  module password 0.26   A module password must be supplied if you do not have automatic access to the module.
  module reference 0.26   The scrolled area showns the current list of module references.
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