1.   A. Most likely, a drop of water made its way into your pot of melting chocolate.

2.   Other than for melting chocolate, double boilers are handy for stirring up custards, curds, puddings and fillings, and are often used for making sauces.

3.   When it comes to melting chocolate, be sure to use simmering, not boiling, water in a double boiler.

4.   While many recipes call for melting chocolate this way, the steam rising from the bottom pot often finds its way into the chocolate.

5.   You may have noticed that many recipes call for melting chocolate with butter, cream or coffee.

a. + chocolate >>共 210
hot 20.05%
melted 10.14%
white 8.16%
dark 5.59%
chopped 2.33%
bittersweet 2.21%
fine 1.98%
semisweet 1.86%
belgian 1.63%
remaining 1.63%
melting 0.58%
melting + n. >>共 68
snow 35.19%
ice 13.70%
temperature 8.52%
glacier 7.78%
chocolate 1.85%
cheese 1.85%
butter 1.48%
range 1.48%
rate 1.48%
iceberg 1.11%
每页显示:    共 5