1.   By Wednesday morning, showers and thunderstorms will develop over west Texas as the approaching disturbance lifts increasingly humid air streaming inland from the Gulf of Mexico.

2.   Scattered thunderstorms will erupt over the Carolinas on Wednesday as a wedge of cool air advancing southward lifts humid air in place over the region.

3.   Scattered thunderstorms will also erupt in the Southeast near the Appalachians as a jet stream disturbance passing overhead lifts very sultry air enveloping the region.

4.   Showers and a few thunderstorms will stretch from western New York to southern New England as a weakening disturbance lifts increasingly moist air across the region.

5.   Tropical downpours will form along the central Gulf Coast as cooling sea breezes lift moist air into towering cumulus clouds.

n. + air >>共 208
night 17.08%
morning 8.36%
mountain 7.41%
ocean 5.62%
desert 4.90%
sea 3.70%
winter 3.35%
summer 2.75%
spring 1.79%
fall 1.67%
lift 0.60%
lift + n. >>共 103
line 11.03%
home 7.60%
shaft 6.08%
operator 3.42%
system 3.42%
door 3.04%
pass 2.66%
price 2.28%
weight 1.90%
air 1.90%
每页显示:    共 5