night air 9.41   The night air helped my wits.
  morning air 4.61   The morning air was frigid.
  mountain air 4.08   Fresh mountain air.
  ocean air 3.09   Wyatt breathed in the cool ocean air.
  desert air 2.70   Luminescent fish swim through the desert air.
  sea air 2.04   He breathed in the fresh sea air.
  winter air 1.84   Wings beat the winter air.
  summer air 1.51   A heady scent of jasmine hung in the summer air.
  spring air 0.99   He breathed the clear spring air.
  fall air 0.92   The show is scheduled to air this fall.
  day air 0.86   We breathe cyanide-laced air every day.
  time air 0.86   He then pumped his fist in the air several times.
  cabin air 0.79   Cabin air is pumped into the bottom of the tower.
  draw air 0.59   Keeping the blower going draws air through the filter, constantly giving it the best chance to catch dust.
  import air 0.59   Winter chill will grip the Eastern Seaboard as breezes from the northwest import Canadian air southward.
  city air 0.53   I like the city air.
  country air 0.46   She inhaled the fresh country air.
  week air 0.46   Taliban radio was knocked off the air this week.
  house air 0.39   The idea is to let some warm house air into that cavity.
  replacement air 0.39   Replacement air has to come from someplace, but where?
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