1.   A lift home, with no strings.

2.   I accepted her offer of a lift home.

3.   I hate to ask you this, but would you mind giving me a lift home?

4.   I think Steve managed to bum a lift home.

5.   John gave me a lift home.

6.   They stopped the cab and gave him a lift home, teasing him lightly about the toasts.

7.   He had a car and often gave me a lift home.

8.   John offered Brian a lift home and Brian accepted.

9.   The plaintiff accepted a lift home with the defendant although he knew the defendant was drunk.

10.   He was given a lift home where son Paul and wife Grace helped him to his bedroom.

n. + home >>共 1088
vacation 3.91%
flight 3.72%
group 3.59%
retirement 3.30%
summer 3.19%
country 3.06%
trip 1.79%
childhood 1.69%
luxury 1.55%
ride 1.50%
lift 0.32%
lift + n. >>共 103
line 11.03%
home 7.60%
shaft 6.08%
operator 3.42%
system 3.42%
door 3.04%
pass 2.66%
price 2.28%
weight 1.90%
air 1.90%
每页显示:    共 20