1.   A line of thunderstorms will cross the Great Lakes ahead of a front delineating the leading edge of fall air.

2.   Fox fell especially short in developing new comedies, putting only two new ones on the air this fall.

3.   I thought this was odd for a Microsoft service, particularly considering there was the scent of a fresh credit card in the crisp fall air.

4.   I was leisurely driving along, enjoying the crisp fall air.

5.   Night falls early at this time of year in Bosnia, and the coming winter chill infects the fall air.

6.   That film is scheduled to air this fall.

7.   The crisp fall air smelled of pine and wood smoke, and colorful leaves glowed against a sky just beginning to cloud.

8.   The players and coaches of Arizona, Ohio State and Texas probably wish they had waited for the chill of fall air.

9.   The show is scheduled to air this fall.

10.   We want blood on the floor and absurd charges filling the fall air.

n. + air >>共 208
night 17.08%
morning 8.36%
mountain 7.41%
ocean 5.62%
desert 4.90%
sea 3.70%
winter 3.35%
summer 2.75%
spring 1.79%
fall 1.67%
fall + n. >>共 1382
season 5.11%
election 4.09%
campaign 3.48%
harvest 1.89%
schedule 1.87%
collection 1.72%
show 1.68%
semester 1.33%
day 1.18%
color 1.11%
air 0.26%
每页显示:    共 14