1.   And they ate Papparadelle Ripiene stuffed with goat cheese and Parmesan and covered with a grated lemon peel and cream sauce.

2.   Garnish with fresh parsley and lemon peel.

3.   Garnished with a twist of lemon peel or a single green olive, the Martini is one of the more simple cocktails.

4.   Blend in the lemon extract, lemon peel and walnuts.

5.   ...grated lemon peel.

6.   ...curls of lemon peel.

7.   Beat in lemon peel and as much of flour as you can with mixer.

8.   Add oil, egg yolks, orange peel, lemon peel, vanilla and water.

9.   Add sugar, lemon peel and butter.

10.   Add butter and lemon peel and process until crumbly.

n. + peel >>共 31
lemon 42.46%
banana 25.14%
lime 4.47%
fruit 3.35%
laser 2.79%
apple 1.68%
cut 1.68%
paint 1.68%
potato 1.68%
skin 1.68%
lemon + n. >>共 166
juice 53.76%
zest 7.89%
wedge 4.61%
peel 4.08%
slice 2.74%
rind 2.58%
pie 1.18%
tree 0.91%
sauce 0.86%
mixture 0.86%
每页显示:    共 76