1.   Any leftover sauce may be frozen and used to add flavor to soups or enchiladas.

2.   Leftover cocktail sauce perks up roasted beef or poultry.

3.   Leftover sauce can be used as a salad dressing or on chicken, fish or pork.

4.   Leftover sauce would be well used over vanilla ice cream.

5.   Pass the leftover sauce, heated, with the sliced meatloaf.

6.   Serve over hot, cooked pasta and freeze any leftover sauce.

7.   Serve sauce over cooked pasta and stash leftover sauce in freezer for another meal.

8.   Store leftover sauce in refrigerator.

9.   There may be leftover sauce.

10.   Thicken a few cups of the leftover braising sauce with onions with a roux.

a. + sauce >>共 421
hot 9.04%
remaining 4.55%
cranberry 4.28%
chocolate 3.57%
dipping 3.14%
caramel 2.92%
wine 2.71%
red 2.44%
peanut 2.11%
picante 1.73%
leftover 0.65%
leftover + n. >>共 322
food 6.11%
turkey 3.76%
chicken 2.19%
potato 2.19%
embryo 2.19%
money 2.19%
meat 1.88%
sauce 1.88%
ham 1.57%
campaign 1.25%
每页显示:    共 12