1.   Carefully invert the plate and pan together and lift off the pan.

2.   Invert a serving plate over the pan, invert the plate and pan together and lift off the pan.

3.   Invert another plate on top of torte bottom, turn torte right side up and remove wax paper.

4.   Invert a plate on top of the waxed paper and invert torte onto plate.

5.   Invert a plate over the skillet.

6.   Invert second plate over plate with fish.

7.   To unmold, invert a plate on the tart and invert the tart onto it.

v. + plate >>共 347
serve 9.33%
cross 5.18%
have 3.06%
use 2.67%
clean 2.35%
block 2.12%
place 1.96%
put 1.88%
remove 1.88%
fill 1.80%
invert 0.55%
invert + n. >>共 73
cake 17.81%
pan 10.96%
plate 4.79%
curve 3.42%
dough 3.42%
tart 2.74%
image 2.05%
flan 2.05%
loaf 2.05%
layer 1.37%
每页显示:    共 7