1.   Gently invert the pan and remove the cooled polenta.

2.   Holding the pan with one hand and the plate with the other, carefully invert pan.

3.   Immediately invert cake pan on to serving plate.

4.   Invert pan and lift away from cake.

5.   Invert pan and let cake cool in pan.

6.   Invert pan immediately on top of a funnel to cool to room temperature.

7.   Invert pan to release dough.

8.   Invert pan to remove dough.

9.   Invert pan and tap out excess flour.

10.   Invert the pan over the sink and tap the bottom to shake out any excess flour.

v. + pan >>共 166
remove 16.70%
cover 9.62%
place 8.26%
roast 4.90%
deglaze 4.54%
shake 3.54%
return 3.09%
put 2.63%
set 2.36%
fill 1.91%
invert 1.45%
invert + n. >>共 73
cake 17.81%
pan 10.96%
plate 4.79%
curve 3.42%
dough 3.42%
tart 2.74%
image 2.05%
flan 2.05%
loaf 2.05%
layer 1.37%
每页显示:    共 16