1.   Carefully invert the tart onto a baking sheet and remove the bowl.

2.   I had to invert the tart onto a plate so that the golden-browned surface, with its carefully arranged layers of potato, would be on top.

3.   Invert cooled tart on a plate and remove rim and pan bottom.

4.   To unmold, invert a plate on the tart and invert the tart onto it.

v. + tart >>共 46
remove 10.59%
assemble 5.88%
serve 5.88%
invert 4.71%
make 4.71%
place 4.71%
bake 3.53%
finish 3.53%
slide 3.53%
sprinkle 3.53%
invert + n. >>共 73
cake 17.81%
pan 10.96%
plate 4.79%
curve 3.42%
dough 3.42%
tart 2.74%
image 2.05%
flan 2.05%
loaf 2.05%
layer 1.37%
每页显示:    共 4