1.   Luminal bile salts inhibit terminal ileal motility and this is independent of PYY release.

2.   Baseline ileal motility was measured after equilibration and during carbachol infusion.

3.   Venous effluents collected during infusion of bile, however, did significantly inhibit ileal motility after a very short latency.

4.   These findings suggest that postprandial increases in bile salt concentrations in the terminal ileum may play a role in the inhibition of ileal motility.

5.   We therefore suggested that PYY might mediate the bile inhibition of ileal motility.

6.   Thus, PYY does not seem to mediate the inhibition of ileal motility by bile.

7.   Other regulatory peptides in the terminal ileum may mediate bile inhibition of ileal motility.

8.   The manometry tracings of spontaneous ileal motility seen in this study closely resembled the in vivo patterns of small bowel motility described by other authors.

9.   This study has shown that luminal bile directly inhibited terminal ileal motility.

n. + motility >>共 14
oesophageal 28.95%
ileal 26.32%
bowel 7.89%
bladder 5.26%
body 5.26%
gastroduodenal 5.26%
anorectal 2.63%
antroduodenal 2.63%
baseline 2.63%
colon 2.63%
ileal + n. >>共 20
activity 17.54%
motility 17.54%
mucosa 15.79%
reservoir 15.79%
resection 5.26%
specimen 3.51%
bile 1.75%
brake 1.75%
cell 1.75%
disease 1.75%
每页显示:    共 10